Ventilation equipment HICOLD ZVPO, ZVPOK, ZVOO, etc.

Wall-mounted exhaust umbrellas are installed in catering and food production establishments to create an optimal microclimate. The exhaust umbrella is mounted above each unit of thermal equipment for air purification. The robust construction of the hood made of steel is resistant to corrosion, easily cleaned from soot and grease. The equipment is attached to the wall. Exhaust umbrellas are equipped with removable labyrinth-type grease filters. Hot air saturated with vapors and oils enters the grease trap and is cleaned of heavy fractions. The impurities and odors emanating from the dishes settle on the edges of the labyrinth fat filter and drain through the drain channels into the accumulative fat collectors.
ZVPO 0806, 08.506, 0906, 09.506, 1006, 10.506, 1106, 11.506, 1206, 12.506, 1306, 13.506, 1406, 14.506, 1506, 0807, 08.507, 0907, 09.507, 1007, 10.507, 1107, 11.507, 1207, 12.507, 1307, 13.507, 1407, 14.507, 1507, 0808, 08.508, 0908, 09.508, 1008, 10.508, 1108, 11.508, 1208, 12.508, 1308, 13.508, 1408, 14.508, 1508, 0810, 08.510, 0910, 09.510, 1010, 10.510, 1110, 11.510, 1210, 12.510;
ZVPOK 0808, 08.508, 0908, 09.508, 1008, 10.508, 1108, 11.508, 1208, 12.508, 1308, 13.508, 1408, 14.508, 1508, 0809, 08.509, 0909, 09.509, 1009, 10.509, 1109, 11.509, 1209, 12.509, 1309, 13.509, 1409, 14.509, 1509, 0810, 08.510, 0910, 09.510, 1010, 10.510, 1110, 11.510, 1210, 12.510, 1310, 13.510, 1410, 14.510, 1510, 0812, 08.512, 0912, 09.512, 1012, 10.512, 1112, 11.512, 1212, 12.512;
ZKVPO 0809, 08.509, 0909, 09.509, 1009, 10.509, 1109, 11.509, 1209, 12.509, 1309, 13.509, 1409, 14.509, 1509, 0810, 08.510, 0910, 09.510, 1010, 10.510, 1110, 11.510, 1210, 12.510, 1310, 13.510, 1410, 14.510, 1510, 0811, 08.511, 0911, 09.511, 1011, 10.511, 1111, 11.511, 1211, 12.511, 1311, 13.511, 1411, 14.511, 1511, 0813, 08.513, 0913, 09.513, 1013, 10.513, 1113, 11.513, 1213, 12.513.
Island exhaust umbrellas are designed to purify the air from steam, burning and fat in catering establishments and are connected to the existing ventilation system according to the design calculation. Models of exhaust umbrellas are equipped with a labyrinth filter and a removable fat collector. The installation of the engine in the exhaust umbrella is not provided. The umbrella is connected to the general ventilation system.
ZVOO 0806, 08.506, 0906, 09.506, 1006, 10.506, 1106, 11.506, 1206, 12.506, 1306, 13.506, 1406, 14.506, 1506, 0808, 08.508, 0908, 09.508, 1008, 10.508, 1108, 11.508, 1208, 12.508, 1308, 13.508, 1408, 14.508, 1508, 0809, 08.509, 0909, 09.509, 1009, 10.509, 1109, 11.509, 1209, 12.509, 1309, 13.509, 1409, 14.509, 1509, 0810, 08.510, 0910, 09.510, 1010, 10.510, 1110, 11.510, 1210, 12.510, 0812, 08.512, 0912, 09.512, 1012, 10.512, 1112, 11.512, 1212, 12.512, 1312, 13.512, 1412, 14.512, 1512, 0814, 08.514, 0914, 09.514, 1014, 10.514, 1114, 11.514, 1214, 12.514, 1314, 13.514, 1414, 14.514, 1514, 0816, 08.516, 0916, 09.516, 1016, 10.516, 1116, 11.516, 1216, 12.516, 1316, 13.516, 1416, 14.516, 1516, 0820, 08.520, 0920, 09.520, 1020, 10.520, 1120, 11.520, 1220, 12.520;
CALL 0810, 08.510, 0910, 09.510, 1010, 10.510, 1110, 11.510, 1210, 12.510, 1310, 13.510, 1410, 14.510, 1510, 0812, 08.512, 0912, 09.512, 1012, 10.512, 1112, 11.512, 1212, 12.512, 1312, 13.512, 1412, 14.512, 1512, 0814, 08.514, 0914, 09.514, 1014, 10.514, 1114, 11.514, 1214, 12.514, 0816, 08.516, 0916, 09.516, 1016, 10.516, 1116, 11.516, 1216, 12.516, 1316, 13.516, 1416, 14.516, 1516, 0818, 08.518, 0918, 09.518, 1018, 10.518, 1118, 11.518, 1218, 12.518, 1318, 13.518, 1418, 14.518, 1518, 0820, 08.520, 0920, 09.520, 1020, 10.520, 1120, 11.520, 1220, 12.520, 1320, 13.520, 1420, 14.520, 1520, 0824, 08.524, 0924, 09.524, 1024, 10.524, 1124, 11.524;
ZKVOO 0812, 08.512, 0912, 09.512, 1012, 10.512, 1112, 11.512, 1212, 12.512, 1312, 13.512, 1412, 14.512, 1512, 0813, 08.513, 0913, 09.513, 1013, 10.513, 1113, 11.513, 1213, 12.513, 1313, 13.513, 1413, 14.513, 1513, 0814, 08.514, 0914, 09.514, 1014, 10.514, 1114, 11.514, 1214, 12.514, 1314, 13.514, 1414, 14.514, 1514, 0815, 08.515, 0915, 09.515, 1015, 10.515, 1115, 11.515, 1215, 12.515, 1315, 13.515, 1415, 14.515, 1515, 0816, 08.516, 0916, 09.516, 1016, 10.516, 1116, 11.516, 1216, 12.516, 0818, 08.518, 0918, 09.518, 1018, 10.518, 1118, 11.518, 1218, 12.518, 1318, 13.518, 1418, 14.518, 1518, 0820, 08.520, 0920, 09.520, 1020, 10.520, 1120, 11.520, 1220, 12.520, 1320, 13.520, 1420, 14.520, 1520, 0822, 08.522, 0922, 09.522, 1022, 10.522, 1122, 11.522, 1222, 12.522, 1322, 13.522, 1422, 14.522, 1522, 0826, 08.526, 0926, 09.526, 1026, 10.526, 1126, 11.526, 1226.
All HICOLD products
In the production of equipment of the HICOLD brand, Italian technologies and design developments are used, components from foreign manufacturers are used. -
The HICOLD company offers the consumer a rich range of refrigerating equipment. The range is constantly updated with new products in accordance with the requirements of the modern market. -
HICOLD equipment fully complies with the quality and safety standards required for professional equipment used in the field of nutrition.
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